
Linking Past, Present and Future: The 25th Anniversary of Regime Change in Romania and Moldova (1989/1991)

07. Jul 2015.
Linking past, present and future

Aleksandra Djurić-Milovanović, PhD, research fellow of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA took part in the international congress “Linking Past, Present and Future: The 25th Anniversary of Regime Change in Romania and Moldova (1989/1991)”, held on 17–19 June in Bucharest. Congress was organized by the Society for Romanian Studies and Faculty of Political Sciences University of Bucharest. Aleksandra Djurić-Milovanović participated in two panels “Home-Growing Religious Movements in Interwar Romania and Moldova” and “Reviving Romanian Religion: the Limits of Acceptability”. In the second panel she presented a paper entatled “Romanian Nazarenes and the Christian Orthodox Revival Movement Oastea Domnului in Serbian Banat”.

The program of the conference
