
Seventh National Conference of Byzantine Studies (22–25 June 2021)

28. Jun 2021.

Boris Milosavljević, PhD, senior research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, Marija Vasiljević, PhD, research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, and MA Milena Davidović, research assistant of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, took part in the Seventh National Conference of Byzantine Studies (22–25 June 2021), organized by the Serbian Committee for Byzantine Studies together with the Board for Byzantine Studies SASA and The Institute for Byzantine Studies SASA. Boris Milosavljević, PhD, had a presentation titled Methodological questions in the research of Byzantine philosophy, Marija Vasiljević, PhD, had a presentation titled Serbian Empire as a Part of the „History of the World“, while MA Milena Davidović’s presentation was titled „Imperial“ Scriptoria: Serbian Literacy in the Time of the Serbian-Greek Empire.
