
Study and Interpretation of the Archeological Cultures on the Territories of Bulgaria and Ѕerbіа

24. Apr 2018.

Dr Vladimir P. Petrović, senior research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, was in Sofia, Bulgaria on 15-18 April 2018, within the framework of the inter-academic agreement on scientific cooperation between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the interdisciplinary project: Study and Interpretation of Archeological Cultures on the Territories of Bulgaria and Serbia. At the National Archaeological Institute with Museum of BAS, he presented a lecture entitled: Ancient Naissus at the Crossroads of the Roman Transbalkan Communication Lines. In addition to the lecture, an exhibition on twelve roll-up banners was opened and an archaeological film is shown about the researches of ancient Naissus, both translated in French, English and Bulgarian language.

