
Télévisions et nations en semi-périphérie européenne: comment constituer une identité nationale par la télévision (1958-1980)

02. Oct 2017.

Annemarie Sorescu Marinković, senior research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, took part in the fourth workshop of the international project Télévisions et nations en semi-périphérie européenne: comment constituer une identité nationale par la télévision (1958-1980), held in Sofia (Bulgaria) between September 26-28, 2017. Researchers from Belgium, Bulgaria and Romania took part in the workshop whose organizer was “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia. As well, during her stay in Bulgaria, Annemarie Sorescu Marinković attended the fourth international conference ESTIDIA, Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication, organized by the same University of Sofia, between September 29-30, where she presented the paper entitled Peripheries in contact. Watching foreign television in Romania in the 1980s.

Program of the conference
