
The ASN (Association for the Study of Nationalities) 23rd Annual World Convention

14. May 2018.

Annemarie Sorescu Marinković, senior research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, took part, between May 3rd and 6th 2018, in the ASN (Association for the Study of Nationalities) 23rd Annual World Convention. The organizer of the conference was Harriman Institute, Columbia University in New York. The ASN Annual World Convention is the the largest international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of this kind, which takes place yearly in New York, gathers more than 400 participants and covers a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in regional sections on the Balkans, Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Caucasus, Turkey and Greece, as well as thematic sections on Nationalism Studies, migration and diasporas. Annemarie Sorescu Marinković’s contribution, co-authored with Monica Huţanu, from the Belgrade University, was entitled Creating and Conveying Identity Online: the Case of the Vlachs in Eastern Serbia.

Conference programme
