
International scientific conference entitled Russo-turkish war of 1877–1878

10. Oct 2017.

Ljubodrag P. Ristić, PhD, Senior Research Associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, participated in the international scientific conference entitled Russo-turkish war of 1877–1878 and Eastern Question (Русско-турецкая война 1877–1878 гг. и Восточный вопрос) held on September 18–19, 2017, Moskow, Russia. This international gathering was organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Russian History of RAS, and Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Russian Federation. LJ. P. Ristić presented the paper entitled The Principality of Serbia among the interests of Great Powers – From San Stefano to Berlin (Княжество Сербия между интересами великих сил – от Сан-Стефано до Берлина). LJ. P. Ristić elaborated the international position of the Principality of Serbia among the Great Powerʼs interests on the Balkans during the final phase of the Great Eastern Crisis.

Program of the conference
